All Dapps are open-source. In an ideal situation, these applications will have a governing body that decides on changes. The codebase of the Dapp will be made available to be scrutinized.
The speed that Dapps provides is unparalleled. Because of the absence of intermediary applications like payment gateways, the transaction of funds happens quickly and with ease.
As iterated earlier, all Dapps are decentralized, and all the data or records are kept on a public decentralized ledger.
All decentralized applications are distributed, meaning they're quite hard to shut down, unlike centralized or traditional apps. It is quite difficult to bring down Dapps from a central point while the underlying blockchain is operational.
Complete transparency is observed with Decentralized Applications since only pseudonyms are being used for user authentication and not their real data.
The permissionless nature of DeFi allows anyone to create and launch a Dapp to a global audience.
All Dapps are interoperable. This means that one Dapp(DeFi application development services company in India) can be built on another using one single source. This concept is also known as Money Legos.