What are some popular platforms for developing blockchain applications?
Over the past few years, blockchain technology witnessed a meteoric growth with the introduction of decentralized applications (dApps), smart contract and cryptocurrency solutions.
But since blockchain has suddenly jumped into the top technology, it is important you should choose any good platform to develop your application using Blockchain. This article throws light on top blockchain development companies in India and cryptocurrency wallet development solutions. This article covers the best Blockchain platforms and how blockchain companies in India are playing a pivotal role contributing to blockchain innovation like cryptocurrency wallet development services.
Blockchain Platforms Mainly Used in App Development
Though often regarded as the blockchain platforms monarch for developers, Ethereum.Decentralised applications (dApps)When smart contracts were introduced, it made Ethereum the first practical blockchain platform in which to launch new decentralisedapplicationsin with.
Smart Contracts And Dapp Development
If you want to develop decentralized applications and smart contracts, Ethereum is the best solution for it with a maximum number of blockchain-based application development companies in India that offers their specialized solutions based on Ethereums.
Pros and Cons
Ethereum has a well-established framework due to its vast developer community, which leads it to be famous but high transaction fees can act as a downside. More and More Companies in India working on Ethereum scalability Solution, Which helps make it cheaper for the Businesses.